What can I use Loyalty Points for?

You will be able to create and view feature requests and future development ideas. Each item will have a "bid amount" which takes it higher up in the priority list, as such, a feature that has a higher amount of interest from fleets (bids) will be worked on with a higher priority than a feature only one fleet may be interested in.

You will also be able to track the progress of each feature development live within the control panel so you will be kept up to speed. When you post a feature request you can assign any number of points you like so you may not necessarily need support from other fleets for your feature to become a reality.

Alternatively, if other fleets love your idea or you love another fleets idea, they or you can help prop up that feature request by placing bids against it.

Soon, you will be able to exchange your loyalty points for other perks, such as Priority Support Tickets, Account Credit, and other benefits.