Build Your Plan

We personalize pricing to fit your specifics needs

Your Chosen Package:

Billing Method: Per Vehicle ( Change )       Total Vehicles: 10 Vehicles ( Change )       Price Plan: Standard - Monthly ( Change )       Contract Term: No Contract ( Change )

Any Add-on's?

SMS Messages

SMS Messages are an optional service, if you wish to use SMS messages you must have an SMS Allowance. Please select below the quantity of credits you wish to use each month. You can roughly estimated the quantity of credits needed based on your maximum booking numbers in a month by the number of alerts you wish to send per booking (such as order confirmation, driver allocation, approaching, cancellation, delay, completion, etc).

SMS Messaging Credits Chart

Call Forwarding

Our call centre service offers VoIP and Web Browser call answering free of charge, however if you opt to divert calls to your mobile/cell phone you will require call forwarding minutes. Please select below the quantity of minutes of call forward you need each month.

Call Forwarding Credits Chart

Technical Support Plan

While we always provide free and unlimited support if you face a bug with our system and general guidance from our Customer Service team, however you can also opt to increase your Support Level Agreement with us by choosing an appropriate Technical Support plan.

Compare Support Plans

Please note that all pricing excludes any applicable VAT that may be due depending on your country.