Gazoop Blog

Taxi Credit Card Fraud 101: Everything You Need to Know

Here's a bit of alarming news for anyone who owns a taxi that takes credit cards (in other words, anyone with a taxi): fraud is on the rise, and a new American law says that your company can now be held accountable for someone else's credit card fraud. That's right - if any passenger commits credit card fraud by way of a taxi that takes credit cards, then it means your business could be the one paying for their crimes. Gazoop wants to avoid this happening to you, so here is the best way to avoid accidentally getting wrapped up in credit card fraud.

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5 Crucial Tips When Buying New Fleet Cars

Choosing the right fleet vehicle is one of the most important aspects of running a successful taxi business. Fortunately, nearly every dealership has a Fleet Department, where a small group of sales people have been authorized to sell fleet cars directly to businesses at rock bottom prices. Today, we at Gazoop are going to show you exactly what to do to land the fleet car of your dreams!

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How Transportation Technology Changed the Taxi Industry

Back in the old days, transportation technology was much simpler. A person who needed a taxi could either dial from a payphone (this was considered the "high-tech" way), or they could wave their hand (the "low-tech" way). With the invention of the internet, however, transportation technology has completely changed the taxi industry - some ways better, some ways worse.

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4 Tips On How to Start a Limo Service... And Keep It Going!

If you want to know how to start a limo service, it’s really not as hard as you might imagine. Then again, we have helped so many startup limo companies achieve success, at this point it just comes as second-nature to us. With the Gazoop limo business plan, you and your drivers will have every last tool needed to tap into your local market and get started straight away.

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How to Get More Customers to Use Your Taxi Services (4 Tricks)

Gazoop knows that successfully running your company’s taxi services can be a fickle business. On some days your dispatch team can hardly keep up with the call volume, and other days it seems as if no one in the entire city needs a ride. While obviously holiday seasons, special events, and a strong job economy can all greatly impact on your taxi services, we also know how to get more customers in your cabs all year long – no matter what!

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Is SkyTran a Threat to Cab Companies?

The Gazoop community is always on the lookout for new trends and breakthroughs in the transportation industry, and lately a company called SkyTran has been causing a little public buzz. These high-speed transportation pods are looking to overtake the transportation industry, but what does this mean for Gazoop, and for cab companies at large? Fortunately, according to our magic crystal ball, not very much!

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5 Traits That All Successful Taxi Dispatch Programs Have in Common

The right dispatching software can make the difference between your company becoming an international transportation presence, or remaining small-time forever. Not to brag, but we've been providing the best taxi dispatch software for years, and we've seen firsthand how our app helps grow thousands of businesses around the world. Here's why Gazoop is the only dispatching software that your taxi business ever needs to own.

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How Will the Taxi Industry Look 100 Years From Now?

At Gazoop, we are always looking ahead into the future. Transportation methods are constantly changing,and your taxi business needs to evolve with it to remain relevant and profitable. That's why we are examining what future transportation in the taxi industry will look like 10, 20, and even 100 years from now.

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3 Reasons Free Taxi Dispatch Mobile Apps are Dangerous

Have you ever heard the saying, "there's no such thing as a free lunch?" This applies to the free mobile taxi dispatch app world, too, where hundreds of malicious free mobile dispatch apps are waiting to turn you -- and your taxi business -- into their next meal. We may joke around a lot on this blog, but we care a lot about our customers, and about the taxi industry as a whole, which is why we've compiled a list of 3 reasons why you want to steer clear of free taxi dispatch mobile apps (trust us, it's for your own good).

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